Friday, January 11, 2008

News from Abroad (Part I)

I've just returned from a vacation in Germany. My trip included, among other things, visting the Hofbräuhaus for mixed meat dishes and giant 1 liter beers, sight-seeing in the beautiful city of Salzburg and a trip to everybody's favorite manufacturer, SW-MOTECH ( + Bags-Connection)! And they're planning some fun stuff for us all over the next year. I can't say much, but we can expect to see some revamped hardware and new designs in cases and bags.

But that's not what this entry is about. In Germany, I took a bunch of photos. I feel the need to share a few.

As soon as I flew into Hannover (a 6 hour red-eye flight from Logan to Amsterdam, then a hop skip and jump to Hannover), I had to take a train to Berlin. Poor planning on my part.

I found the nearest grocery store, hoping to get some Wienerschnitzel or Bratwurst to snack on while I rode on the DB (german train system). I lucked out, though!

A "Taste America" section! Surely they'd have all the flavors so near and dear to my heart.

... What the hell? I've never heard of Rocky Mountain Marshmallows before, but I hope they've got absolutely NOTHING to do with Rocky Mountain Oysters.

I didn't want to take a chance with these colorful balls of goo (no pun intended), so I went with an old standby:

Mike & Ikes and Cheese Zip, just like home in Rhode Island. Mmm-mmm, that's good eatin'.

I made my purchase and headed back to Hannover central station, checking out the scenery and the .. uh, the sweet billboards for Lavazza Coffee.

I'm not sure what their target audience is. Anthropomorphic Italian leopard women with gaudy jewelery? If that's the case, they nailed it, but those claws don't make me want to try Lavazz coffee anytime in the near future, even if is the favorite of Italian Furries everywhere.

That's it for now - more to come!

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