Wednesday, April 9, 2008

SV650 Build Up

Our SV650 came to us after it was involved in an accident where the rear end of the bike was run over by an SUV. After laying around in pieces for a few years we finally began the resurrection. Since we knew the motor was running when it was crashed and the frame/swing arm/forks all checked out straight we knew we had a good starting point for a build.

First up on the build will be to see if we can get the motor cleaned enough to fire up. A quick carb cleaning, oil change, and radiator flush should do the trick to make sure the motor is still healthy. Once we have the motor running strong we can start putting it together with the pile of original parts as well as ebay parts we have scattered all over the shop.
Stayed tuned to follow the build up and to see how we take this machine from totaled to twisted!

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